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About us

Ebenezer has a very interesting past. The original members were John Courtney, Mark Cole, Hannah Cole, Mary Curtis, Batson Morgan, Elizabeth, Reece Perkins, James Mumford, Ezra Courtney, Elizabeth Courtney, and Sarah Chance. These members met with Rev. Richard Curtis and Rev. Tomas Mercer to constitute the Ebenezer Baptist Church. From that small beginning in 1806, this congregation has continued, uninterrupted, until the present hour. Ebenezer is the oldest Baptist Church in Mississippi with continuing ministry. This means that every Southern Baptist throughout Mississippi and much of Louisiana can trace their church roots back through Ebenezer Baptist Church


Rev. Richard Curtis, the first ordained Baptist pastor in this new territory, us buried near the present church in a secluded wooded area. This faithful servant of God began several other church congregations. Rev. Ezra Courtney, one of the founding church members, was called to become the first pastor ot the new church on November 1st, 1806. He was ordained by Rev. Curtis and Rev. Mercer on July 5th, 1806


In the early days of Ebenezer, church discipline was a common occurrence in the curch minutes. The first such recorded incident, November 1st, 1806, was concerning Batson Morgan who shot out the eyes of a bull belonging to Lewis Perkins. He was laid under censure for his actions. Then on January 3rd of 1807, two months later, Mr. Morgan was pardoned for the trespass against Mr. Perkins. He was pardoned because he declared the bull was shot by accident.


A great deal of Ebenezer's history can be learned by reading the minutes of the church. There are many questions left without clear undertanding. There are no known records of the original location of the first building. There are no known records of when our present building was constucted. Therefore, some important information is left to speculation.


World War II brought Camp Van Dorn to Centreville and to the Ebenezer community. Many of the residents had to relocate because othe camp took many miles of farmland. During that period of time, about 6 years, the church met in the home of Eliza and Virgil Jones. The army didn't harm the church and when the camp was dismantled the Ebenezer congregation was able to return to its beloved meetinghouse.


For the past 69 years, Ebenezer has ministered under the leadership of only 7 different pastors. Rev. H. J. McCool, Rev. Ed Causey, Rev. Alvin Hall, Rev. Ed Jelks, Rev. Otis Jackson, Rev. Charles Kirkfield, and presently under the leadership of Rev. Dave Luce.


Today's congregation is continuing the history of this grand old church. Ebenezer celebrated its 200th birthday in 2006. The congregation is praying that God will use them in his kingdom in the years to come. When the Lord Jesus returns for His Bride, the Church, Ebenezer Baptist Church will be a lighthouse of ministry. When marked graves along with the unmarked are opened at the rapture of the church, Ebenezer Baptist Church will be continuing in ministry as it has been since May 9, 1806

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